Here are just some of the ways you can make a difference in the lives of shelter animals, as well as in the lives of low-income families who want to do the responsible thing and fix their pets.
SNAP relies on our all-volunteer staff to accomplish our mission and we have plenty of volunteer opportunities. We welcome any kind of help. Please print out a volunteer application and release form and return it by mail as soon as possible, so that we can match your interests and skills with the many volunteer opportunities available. Also, if you know any other animal lovers who you think would like to help, we ask that you share this information with them and encourage them to submit applications, too! We look forward to working with you to end animal homelessness!Donate Fabric
Help us out by donating any extra 100% cotton fabric you might have! We will use the fabric to make pet bandanas to sell at events. The sales from each bandana is used to help fund the spaying and neutering of dogs and cats. Every donation helps us help others! Call the SNAP line at 823-SNAP if you can help.
Become a SNAP member
Our organization is operated exclusively by volunteers. This means that 93% of all money received goes directly to pay for spay/neuter surgeries.
Why is assisting needy pet owners so important? Because targeted spay/neuter for low-income pet owners is the single most effective way to reduce the pet overpopulation problem. In cities around the country these programs have had a dramatic effect on pet overpopulation, reducing the number of animals euthanized by as much as 90%.
SNAP needs everyone who cares about animals to come forward, join together, and help us put an end to pet overpopulation. Our collective efforts will allow us to deal with this crisis, while turning a deaf ear will do nothing to solve the problem.
Because of our rapid growth, we now offer SNAP memberships. Your annual membership in SNAP will entitle you to these benefits:
- our quarterly newsletter Solutions
- acknowledgement on our website and in Solutions
- satisfaction that comes from knowing that you are truly doing something to help
It's easy to become a member! Simply print out a membership form and return it with your donation to SNAP at P.O. Box 14354, Springfield, MO 65814.
Pet Friendly License Plates
Let everyone know how much you love your pets. SNAP benefits directly with grants from the state of Missouri when you promote spay and neuter with a pet friendly license plate. Check out the Missouri State Humane Society website for more information.
Shop with iGive.com
Do your shopping from the comfort of your home while helping out the animals! Shop with iGive.com and they donate a percentage of your purchase to us. They have 900 stores that participate in their program including Best Buy, Dillards, L.L. Bean just to name a few. When asked to register your cause, please enter Spay Neuter Assistance Program, Inc. (Springfield, Missouri) and start giving.
Shop with Giving Assistant
Shop with Giving Assistant and they donate a percentage of your purchase to us. Join directly from this link and enjoy the benefits of shopping from home while helping out the animals.
Be a Responsible Pet Guardian
Fix your own pet before it reaches the age of 5 months (learn about the benefits of spaying and neutering from the Humane Society of the United States). If your pet is allowed outdoors unsupervised, do it even younger. For more helpful information and articles, check out Best Friends Animal Society.
Organize a Fundraiser
House Parties, Bake Sales, Garage Sales...these are all ways you can raise money for needy animals. We've got lots of ideas, so just contact us if you're interested!
Spread the Word
Educate yourself about pet overpopulation, and speak out when the opportunity presents itself! Become an advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. Make sure your pets are spayed or neutered and encourage others to do the same. The myth that it's okay to have 'just one litter' is just that -- a myth for both cats and dogs. See our Resources page to get started.