If you would like to contact SNAP to find out if you qualify for our services, please call 417-823-7627 and leave your daytime phone number on our voicemail. Because of the large volume of calls received, it may take 4-5 days for a volunteer to return your call.
Our services are limited to the following counties in southwest Missouri: Christian, Greene, Webster, Dallas, Polk, and Lawrence.
If you qualify, a certificate will be sent to you for redemption at one of our veterinary clinics once payment is received. You call the veterinarian to schedule an appointment, and redeem your certificate at the time of surgery. It's that simple!
Please note that our service is intended for pet owners who cannot afford to pay the standard rate for spay/neuter surgery. If you can afford to alter your pet without our help, please allow us to use our donated funds for those who truly cannot.
We welcome any questions, comments, and suggestions via our online form or email. This form should not be used to request certificates.